Home/الأخبار/أخبار عامة/انفوجرافيك لأعداد الطلاب في كليات ومعاهد جامعة إدلب أخبار عامةاحصائيات الطلابالأخبارالأرشيفالاحصائياتالكليات والمعاهدخبر عاجل انفوجرافيك لأعداد الطلاب في كليات ومعاهد جامعة إدلب لتاريخ 7-5-2022 23 May، 20220 403 Less than a minute 23 May، 20220 403 Less than a minute Facebook X WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print
Home/Archives/Infographic of the number of students in the faculties and institutes of Idlib University ArchivesBreaking newsFaculties and institutesGeneral newsStatisticsStatistics of studentsUncategorized Infographic of the number of students in the faculties and institutes of Idlib University for the date 7-5-2022 23 May، 20220 270 Less than a minute 23 May، 20220 270 Less than a minute Facebook X WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print
Home/Arşiv/İdlib Üniversitesi fakülte ve enstitülerindeki öğrenci sayılarının infografikleri ArşivFlaş HaberGenel HaberlerHaberlerİstatistikKolejler ve enstitülerÖğrenci İstatistikleri İdlib Üniversitesi fakülte ve enstitülerindeki öğrenci sayılarının infografikleri 7-5-2022 tarihi için 23 May، 20220 271 Less than a minute 23 May، 20220 271 Less than a minute Facebook X WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print