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The University of Idlib announces a tender (in sealed envelope) to purchase the following materials for the necessity of the media office at the university’s presidency.


(for the second time)

The University of Idlib announces a tender (in sealed envelope) to purchase the following materials for the necessity of the media office at the university’s presidency.

  1. CANON EOS 80 D camera, 1 set.
  2. CANON camera lens second generation (18-35 /1.8/) 1 pcs.
  3. COMICA Wireless Microphone (Sennheiser).
  4. Laptop 10th generation Asus – core i7 – Nivdiaurtx 1660ti number 1.
  5. Hydraulic tripod.

Technical conditions:

  1. The bidder must comply with the type and specifications of each device.
  2. The delivery period must be adhered to, which is ten days from the date of opening bids.


  • Receiving offers begins at the Directorate of the General Court at the Presidency of the University, after paying a security deposit of $200 with the Contracts Department from its date until the end of the official working day on Saturday 10/30/2021.

Bids will be opened at 10.00 am on Sunday 01/11/2021 AD, headed by the university.

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