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The University of Idlib announces a tender in sealed envelopes for the purchase of new equipment for the histopathological laboratory equipment, which are:


The University of Idlib announces a tender in sealed envelopes for the purchase of new equipment for the histopathological laboratory equipment, which are:

  1. جهاز إدماج: Embedding Machine Leica
  2. جهاز صب الشمع: Laboratory paraffin dispenser
  3. جهاز ميكرو توم لايكا: Rotary microtome Leica
  4. ترموستات فرن إلكتروني: Electronic Thermostat
  5. جهاز الصباغة الآلي: Fully automated Histological and cytological slide Stainer
  6. مجهر مزود بكاميرا: microscope
  7. حوامل سلايدات: Stainless slides holder
  8. مجفف شرائح مجهرية: Microscope Slide Drying Brnch with heating
  9. ميكرو توم ثلجي: Cryostat Microtome
  10. قوالب معدنية جميع القياسات عدد Stainless steel embedding molds,n=100:100

Those who wish to participate in the above-mentioned tender, with experience and competence, should review the Contracts Department at the University’s Presidency and review the technical conditions book.


  • A security deposit of $200/two hundred dollars is paid only to the university fund in the Contracts Department, as a guarantee in the event of non-compliance.
  • The university has the right to split the submitted offers.
  • The reception of offers begins at the Directorate of the General Court at the Presidency of the University, from its date until the end of official working hours on Saturday 12/02/2022.
  • Bids will be opened at 10:00 am on Sunday February 13 2022 AD.

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