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Idlib University announces a tender (in sealed envelope) to implement the construction of a floor in the training and rehabilitation runway according to the following conditions:


The University of Idlib announces a tender (in sealed envelope) to implement the construction of a floor in the training and rehabilitation runway

According to the following conditions:

business type the one Quantity
1 Excavation of foundations and screeds with the transfer of outputs m3 35
2 demolition of walls with a platform inside the grandstand with carry-over outputs m3 40
3 Serving and pouring 200 kg / m3 of clean ton m3 6
4 Providing and pouring armed pion caliber 350 kg/m3 for the foundations m3 11
5 Serving and pouring 350 kg/m3 armed pion for the shanjat m3 19
6 Providing and pouring armed pion caliber 350 kg/m3 for columns m3 9
7 Providing and pouring 350 kg/m3 armed pion for prizes m3 19
8 Serving and pouring 350 kg/m3 armed pion for the slab m3 33
9 Open windows in the walls m2 20
10 Implanting columns on a pre-existing foundation and fixing them with epoxy Number 4
11 Presenting and building a 15 cm hollow concrete block m2 210
12 Processing and pouring reinforced concrete for lintels m3 1.5
13 350 kg/m3 cement grate on three sides for walls and ceilings m2 650
14 Providing and installing Zaini floor tiles with polishing and polishing m2 550
15 Presentation and installation of ceramic overalls 10 cm m2 12
16 Providing and installing sewage points with all their requirements Point 2
17 Providing and installing internal extension light points (salted plastic tape, 2.5 mm wire, and a 48-watt saving bulb) with all its requirements Point 20
18 Supply and installation of the Lina Barzan type with all its accessories Point 15
19 Providing and executing a good quality oil paint on three faces for the walls of rooms, corridors and internal walls with foundation, quilting and paste. m2 450
20 Providing and executing good quality paint on three faces for the ceilings of rooms and corridors with quilts and paste m2 210
21 Providing and installing a main panel that includes a double main section for the apartment and an individual section for each room painting 1
22 Providing and installing aluminum windows with 6 mm thick galvanized crystal with all its accessories m2 20
23 Providing and installing a metal carport for external doors and protection nets kg 800
24 Providing and installing a metal solarium with a tiled roof kg 280
25 Provide and install bricks Number 150
26 Providing and installing Swedish wood doors free of harmful veins and knots with all its requirements m2 20

Those who wish to participate in the above-mentioned tender, who are experienced and specialized, should review the Contracts Department at the university’s presidency to obtain a book of technical conditions.


  • An initial insurance amount of $500/five hundred dollars is paid only to the university fund in the Directorate of Financial Affairs (Advance Department) as a guarantee in the event of non-compliance, and the bidder’s rights are liquidated at the end of the contract after securing the required.
  • Receiving offers begins at the Directorate of the General Court at the Presidency of the University, from its date until the end of the official working day on Wednesday, 6/1/2022.
  • Bids will be opened at 11 a.m. on Saturday 4/6/2022.

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