Idlib University announces a tender (as soon as possible) to implement the construction of a water tank in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering,

public tender
The University of Idlib announces a tender procedure (as soon as possible) to implement the construction of a water tank in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, to be implemented of reinforced cement, with a size of 22.5 m3, and the site of the tank is square, the length of its sides is 3 m, the height of the tank wall is 2.5 m, and the floor thickness of the tank is 20 cm :
Those wishing to participate in the above-mentioned tender must be experienced contractors; Presentation of offers during official working hours in the Directorate of the General Court at the University Presidency. Each offer is submitted within a sealed envelope with the name of the offeror and phone number on it. Submission starts from the date of the announcement and until Saturday, 08/28/2021 AD.
The initial deposit is $100, only one hundred dollars, to be refunded to the bidder who is not a candidate for contracting, as payment is made according to a receipt that is deducted from the Contracts Department.
The bidder writes a written declaration that he has reviewed the technical conditions book with the Contracts Department after paying the receiving fee, and the schedule of the items of quantities and works required for the tender.
The contractor nominated to contract after the tender session is obligated to implement all the terms and articles of the contract within a period of 30 days from the date of signing the commencement order and the minutes of receiving the work site.
Bids will be opened on Sunday at 9.00 am on August 29, 2021 AD by a committee to be formed later.