Announcement No. 25 The Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation announces the establishment of a training course entitled International Computer Driving License – ICDL
Target group: All applicants from inside and outside the university (male-female) and postgraduate students at Idlib University are accepted.
Announcement No. / 25 /
The Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation at Idlib University announces the establishment of a #training_course_entitled_International_Computer_Driving_License
Training topics:
- Windows 10 A general introduction to the development of the computer and its use and file handling.
- Word 2019 word processing software.
- EXCEL 2019 electronic spreadsheet program.
- POWERPOINT 2019 Presentation Program.
- ACCESS 2019 database software.
- IT Basic Concepts in Information Technology.
- INTERNET Information and Communication.
A passing certificate approved by the University of Idlib with a direct verification code through the official website of the University of Idlib
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Proficiency in dealing with the Windows operating system and its applications.
- The competition for jobs and the opening of new areas of work.
- Proficiency in writing research papers with high professionalism.
- Simple program design that allows you to perform automatic calculations using the spreadsheet program Excel.
- The ability to design a database, create interfaces for it, perform queries and extract reports.
Trainer: “A. Ali Haj Kabi” certified international trainer.
Training duration: / 50 / hour.
Training time: Thursday and Friday of each week, 4 hours per day.
Training fee: 100 T.L only one hundred Turkish Liras including the passing certificate.
Registration period: Registration starts from the date of the announcement and until the number is completed.
How to register: in person with the Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation in (Civil and Mechanical Engineering Complex).
Target group: All applicants from inside and outside the university (males – females) and postgraduate students are accepted.
Beginning of training: to be determined later when the number is completed.
Note: Registration requests are accepted only for those who have a laptop computer to bring with them to training.
To contact or inquire: Program Director a. Amer Summaq / 00352681120553 / Watts