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Announcement No. 26 The Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation announces the establishment of a specialized professional diploma in water projects

The objective of the project: Introducing the trained staff to the contents of water projects (a study of an integrated project).



Announcement No. / 26 /

The Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation at Idlib University announces the establishment of a #professional_diploma_specialization_in_water_projects

Diploma axes:

  • The need and consumption of the quantities of water, and the determination of the quantities of extracted water.
  • Well drilling, processing and testing methods.
  • Determination of the submersible pump for wells (type, installation methods, common faults).
  • Operating panels (specifications, contents, common faults).
  • Horizontal pumps (types, calculations, conditions for correct take-off of horizontal pumps).
  • Requirements to complete the study of a horizontal pumping station.
  • Choosing the right motor for the pump.
  • Network pipes (types – technical specifications).
  • Electrical cable (section, length).
  • Valves used in networks.
  • Water hammer (definition – problems and solutions).
  • The appropriate generator capacity for the pumping group.
  • The task of the supervisory committee.
  • Study of an integrated accounting project.
  • Study of an integrated realistic project.

Diploma certificate accredited by Idlib University – Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation and with a direct verification code via the official website of Idlib University

Coach: “M. Ibrahim Al Yamani”.

Duration of the diploma: 50 training hours – divided into theoretical sessions and practical sessions (water projects).

Diploma implementation plan: on Saturday of each week, in addition to practical sessions at water pumps (Sijer and Al-Arshani).

Required number: / 25 / trainees.

The target group of the diploma: Fifth year students in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and cadres working for local organizations and councils in the field of water projects.

Diploma fees: 100 T.L. One hundred Turkish lira only includes a diploma certificate approved by the Directorate of Training and Qualification.

Registration period: Registration in the Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation begins on Wednesday 7/10/2020.

Beginning of the diploma: to be determined later when the number is completed.

مديرية التدريب والتأهيل
مديرية التدريب والتأهيل
مديرية التدريب والتأهيل
مديرية التدريب والتأهيل

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