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Announcement No. 27 The Directorate of Training and Qualification announces the establishment of a training course entitled EXCEL ADVANCED

Target group: People who have simple experience in and use of the Excel program, and who want to enhance their skills in a highly professional manner, employees and workers in public and private official departments and various types of organizations, universities and schools in all specializations.



Announcement No. / 27 /

The Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation at Idlib University announces the establishment of a #Training_Course_titled_Excel_Advanced


Excellence in the world of digital data

Excel Professional Series – Level 1

Training topics:

  • Excel Basics.
  • Autofill operations.
  • Sorting, filtering, and conditional formatting of data.
  • Entry restriction rules and dropdown lists.
  • Separate and join texts in Excel.
  • Charts and their types.
  • The concept and use of mathematical formulas.
  • Various summation, mean, and counting functions.
  • Popular Statistical Functions
  • Relative reference and absolute reference.
  • Simple and compound IF function.
  • Boolean functions and their combination with the IF . function
  • Advanced search and merging functions.
  • professional printing
  • Automatic evaluation and employee attendance schedule.
  • الجداول المحورية pivot table
  • Data protection and worksheets.
  • The multiplication function and the summation function of the product of two numbers together.
  • Basic rounding functions.

A passing certificate approved by the University of Idlib with a direct verification code through the official website of the University of Idlib.

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Dealing with Excel and its main features in analyzing and arranging data.
  • Proficiency in dealing with many functions and integrating them to facilitate functional and institutional work in universities, schools and organizations in all their specializations.

Trainer:A. Ali Haj Kabi” certified international trainer.

Training duration: / 40 / actual hours. (immanence)

Training dates: on Sundays and Tuesdays of each week at a rate of 3 hours per day, starting from 12.00 pm until 3.00 pm

Training fee: 100 T.L only one hundred Turkish liras including the passing certificate.

Registration period: Registration starts from the date of the announcement and until the completion of the number of 25 male and female trainees only.

How to register: in person with the Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation in (Civil and Mechanical Engineering Complex).

Target group: All applicants from inside and outside the university are accepted (males – females).

Beginning of training: to be determined later when the number is completed.


Registration requests are accepted only for those who have a laptop computer to bring with them to training.

Training is free for Idlib University employees.

To contact or inquire: Program Director a. Amer Summaq / 00352681120553 / Watts.

مديرية التدريب والتأهيل

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