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Announcement No. 29 The Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation at Idlib University announces the establishment of a training course entitled “Programming 2”

Target group: hobbyists and those wishing to enter the world of programming and its workers. All applicants from inside and outside the university are accepted



Announcement No. / 29 /

The Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation at Idlib University announces the establishment of a #training_course_entitled_programming_2

  • How to program?
  • FlowChart
  • Learn and learn the language – learn c#
  • Visual & Dotnet Framework
  • برمجة الشاشة السوداء- Console app programming
  • Html
  • Cascade Style Sheet
  • MVC
  • Internet Service IIS
  • Web Service & Api
  • Web Security
  • Xamarin.Forms using C#
  • Xaml
  • Sql lite database
  • Build design database, tables, views ..etc
  • Tsql+ programming
  • Sql server database
  • Sql server mangement
Training Axis implementation plan
c# programming basics course Required number: 15 male and female trainees
web programming course Required number: 15 male and female trainees

Experience in the first axis is required

Android programming course Required number: 15 male and female trainees

Experience in the first axis is required

Databases Required number: 15 male and female trainees

A passing certificate approved by the University of Idlib with a direct verification code through the official website of the University of Idlib

Training duration: / 24 / training hours for each axis. (immanence)

Training schedule: two days a week, with an average of 3 training hours for each axis.

Training fees: 100 T.L only one hundred Turkish liras for each axis including the passing certificate (approved by the Directorate of Training and Qualification).

Registration period: Registration starts from the date of the announcement and until the number is completed.

Registration method: in person with the Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation in (Civil and Mechanical Engineering Group).

Target group: Hobbyists and those wishing to enter the world of programming and its workers. All applicants are accepted from inside and outside the university.

Beginning of training: to be determined later when the number of 15 male and female trainees is completed for each axis.


Registration requests are accepted only for those who have a laptop computer to bring with them to training.

Training is free for Idlib University employees.

To contact or inquire: Training and Rehabilitation Director a. Khaled Al Yamani / ‎004670461026 / Watts

مديرية التدريب والتأهيل
مديرية التدريب والتأهيل

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