The Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation at Idlib University announces the establishment of a training course entitled: Professional Monitoring and Evaluation Techniques
The Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation at Idlib University announces the establishment of a training course entitled:
Professional Monitoring And Evaluation techniques
an introduction:
Monitoring and evaluation or what is also known as monitoring and evaluation is the process that aims to improve the current and future management of outputs, results and impact and helps improve performance and achieve results. It is mainly used to evaluate the performance of projects, institutions and programs developed by governments, international organizations and NGOs.
Training topics:
❖ data and information
❖ Quantitative and qualitative research methods for collecting primary and secondary data.
❖ Data collection techniques (observation – personal interviews – focus groups – questionnaires – kobo)
❖ The concept of (observe, follow up, or monitor)
❖ Concept (evaluation or evaluation)
❖ The importance of monitoring and evaluation in projects
❖ The difference between scores and evaluation
❖ Steps in the monitoring and evaluation process
❖ Project life cycle
❖ Problem tree and turn it into a solution tree
❖ Project Logframe Matrix
❖ Project stakeholders
❖ What are the indications?
❖ Explanation of the monitoring and evaluation work plan
❖ The concept of accountability and learning in the project
❖ Electronic and paper forms of questionnaires
Training plan:
Number of training hours: 25 hours
Training days: Sunday – Wednesday from 9 am – 2 pm (five hours per day)
Training start: February 13, 2022 AD
Training location: Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation (Collections of Engineering Faculties)
Required number: 25 male and female trainees
Target group:
(Idlib University students – administrative staff – interested in this specialty from outside the university)
Coach: a. Youssef Kardoush
Training fee: 100 TL (staff and students of Idlib University) – 125 TL (from outside the university)
To register, please contact: 00352681120553