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The Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation Idlib at Idlib University announces the establishment of a training course entitled: Excel Advanced c6-
The Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation Idlib at Idlib University announces the establishment of a training course entitled:
Excel Advanced c6
Training topics:
Excel basics review | Equations and Text Functions | Detecting and correcting formula errors |
Format worksheets | Date and time functions | tables |
Handling long documents | Mathematical and Statistical Functions | Graphics |
Conditional Formats | Conditional and Boolean functions | Index lines |
Handling long documents | Named cells and ranges | pivot tables |
Principles of Equations | Search functions and references | Macros |
Introduction to Functions | Financial functions | Data analysis using what-if? |
Data Verification | Printing in Excel | Protection of workbooks and papers |
Information and details:
- Training hours: 50 hours.
- Training day: Saturday – Monday – Thursday (from 10.30-1.30).
- Training fee: (150 TL for students and employees at Idlib University) – (175 TL for trainees from outside the university).
- Registration begins: from the date of the announcement until its completion.
- Number of trainees: The number is 25 male and female trainees only.
- Register in person with the Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation in (Faculty of Civil and Mechanical Engineering Complex).
- Coach: a. Muhammad Anan.
- For inquiries and contact: a. Amer Summaq / Whatsapp: 00352681120553
Note: Registration requests are accepted for those who own a laptop computer only.