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The Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation announces the start of registration for: Training of Trainers in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support – MHPSS TOT
The Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation announces the start of registration on:
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Training of Trainers – MHPSS TOT
Training name | The number of hours | Registration fee | headlines |
الإسعاف (العون) النفسي الأولي
Psychological First Aid |
15 | 150 TL | Understanding psychological first aid, psychological first aid: who, when and where, how to help responsibly, provide psychological first aid, take care of yourself and your colleagues. |
Inclusion |
15 | 150 TL | Deficiencies and disabilities, disability models, physical environment verification, disability categories and arrangements necessary to ensure social participation, types of deficiencies, the art of dealing with people with disabilities, empowering people with disabilities, comprehensive inclusion, various case studies. |
إدارة الحالة
Case Management (CP, GBV) |
15 | 150 TL | Case management definition, case management objectives, case management steps (case identification, case assessment, action plan development and implementation, case follow-up, case closure), case management tools (informed consent, safety checklist, safety plan, action plan, case closure ).
الصحة النفسية والدعم النفسي الاجتماعي
(Mental Health Psycho-Social Support) MHPSS |
30 | 350 TL | Mental health and mental illness Basic principles of mental health and psychosocial support in emergencies (IASC), Self-awareness, Social and therapeutic communication, Community mental health services, Defense mechanisms, Stress and distress management, Crisis and its interactions, Unmixed mourning/grief, Psychosocial support . |
الرعاية الذاتية
Self Care |
15 | 150 TL | Humanitarian experiences Definition of trauma What makes an event traumatic Chemical phenomena of trauma What goes on in your mind? Symptoms of trauma (common symptoms of trauma, spiritual symptoms of trauma) Risk factors Preventive factors Caring for yourself after trauma (do , Don’t), Overcoming feelings of distress, when and how to seek professional help?, Self-burning, what can be done to avoid such a situation? |
الأمراض النفسية لغير المختصين
(تدريب يعادل mhGAP) Psychiatric diseases for non-specialists (mhGAP equivalent training) |
30 | 350 TL | Mood disorders (depression, bipolar disorder, psychotic disorders, epilepsy, anxiety disorders, developmental disorders, conduct disorders, dementia, alcohol use disorders, substance use disorders leading to dependence, suicidal thoughts and suicide. |
مهارات التواصل
Communication Skills |
20 | 200 TL | Human relations, communication and human relations, therapeutic communication, self-awareness, organizational communication, understanding communication methods, building good relationships with managers, building good relationships with co-workers, building good relationships with customers, improving interview skills, finding work, writing a CV, Personal motivation and achievement, skillful problem solving, conflict resolution. |
المعالجة المطورة للمشكلات
Problem Management Plus |
20 | 200 TL | Basic Helping Skills Enhanced Problem Management Assessments Understanding Adversity and Enhanced Problem Management Intervention Stress Management Go and Go Problem Solving Strengthening Social Support Keeping Well and Looking Forward Practical exercises on assessments and case studies.
تعلم تقنيات التعافي
Teaching Recovery Techniques TRT |
20 | 200 TL | Stress and trauma, definition of anxiety, classification of anxiety disorders, acute stress disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), diagnostic criteria for acute and post-traumatic stress disorder, treatment, interventions (promoting client safety, helping the client adapting to stress and emotions, helping to Beneficiary self-promotion, establishing social support), post-traumatic stress syndrome interventions, disability interventions, and skill-solving problems. |
مدخل إلى الحماية
Introduction to Protection |
15 | 150 TL | The concept of protection, basic principles of protection, why do we care about generalizing the principles of protection?, Mainstreaming the principles of protection, linking protection with other sectors, child protection, what is the difference between “abuse” and “exploitation”, gender-based violence in humanitarian crises, mine-related activities, Do no harm, what is effective communication, principles of communication. |
مهارات تيسير تدريبات العمل الفعالة
Effective Work Training Facilitation Skills |
15 | 150 TL | Teaching and learning, teacher roles, basic elements of learning, learning theories, Gardner’s multiple intelligences, key points for effective coaching, how to become an effective coach, presentation, and other titles that aim to qualify coaches to become coaches. |
كلفة تدريب المدربين- TOT | 210 hours | 2200 TL |
- Note: It is possible to register for one or more trainings or for the entire package.
- Coach: a. Mohamed Badawi.
- Training days: to be determined later.
- Training start: When the number is complete.
- Place of training: Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation (collection of engineering colleges).
- To register, contact Mr. Amer Sammak: 00352681120553