Breaking newsDirectorate of Training and Rehabilitation

Announcement No. 1 The Directorate of Training and Qualification announces the launch of training in the ICDL Computer Driving Program and Google Educational Apps

ICDL Computer Driving Program - Google Apps Learning Program



Announcement No. / 1 ​​/

The Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation at Idlib University announces the launch of training programs in the International Computer Driving License (ICDL) and for the first time Google educational applications, which will include all Google programs and highlight the skills required for each person looking for a job opportunity, including the method of creating an electronic questionnaire using a form (Google Drive) and methods and skills for dealing with the Office programs package in it.


The requirement to register for the Google Learning Apps Training Program is that the trainee must have a personal laptop device to bring with him.

To register, click on the form button below

Online registration form

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