The Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation announces the establishment of a training course entitled: Architectural Drawing Skills-c1
The Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation announces the establishment of a training course entitled:
Architectural Drawing Skills – C1
Target group:
Students wishing to register in the Faculty of Architecture after conducting the competition for the faculty and with all registration methods (general, parallel, transferred students, and direct registration).
Training topics:
Freelance drawing skills, architectural drawing and architectural directing
Required tools:
- 5 regular pencils: H2, HB, B2, B4, B6
- Good quality eraser.
- Good quality sharpener.
- Transparent tape to secure the carton.
- 50cm ruler and triangle.
Training duration: 20 training hours
Number of trainees: 20 trainees (male – female).
Training days: 3-9/9/2022 AD
Training start: 3/9/2022 (from 10 am to 2 pm)
Place of training: Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation.
Training fee: (200 Turkish Lira)
The course is not mandatory to enter the competition for the Faculty of Architecture at Idlib University.
Registration in person with the Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation (the grouping of engineering colleges)
For inquiries, contact Mr. Amer Samaq: 00352681120553