Faculty of Human Medicine
The Faculty of Human Medicine was established in the 2016-2017 academic year where students were admitted according to general trade-off, direct registration and parallel education trade-off, in order to meet the societal and scientific need in wartime and to help students who were discontinued to study in universities controlled by the regime, or students who passed exams High school and could not continue their studies due to the war conditions.

Vision and mission
The college is working to provide the community with academically trained doctors, due to the shortage in the number of doctors inside Syria, as a result of war conditions, and it offers modern medical science through a distinguished and scientific cadre who follow all new medical research, working to link university work to service work through The opening of the Department of Graduate Studies for graduate students and enabling them to work in a university hospital, which provides the medical service to the fullest extent, enabling doctors to conduct research of interest to the interior in the current circumstances, and display them in conferences organized by the college in cooperation with the university.
College aspirations
- Achieving a good academic level through the distinguished cadre working in the college with simple capabilities.
- Regularity of the educational process to suit the aspirations of students, because it is affected by the current war conditions.
- Gaining regional and international recognition.
- Partnerships or twinning with some universities in the neighborhood or at the global level.
The most important justifications for the opening of the specialty
- There are no specializations in the College of Human Medicine at this time so we are working on preparing theinternal regulations for the College’s Graduate Studies Department.
- The need for a physician and scientifically trained is the motivation to open the graduate studies department.
- Other drivers include physician immigration or death due to the war.
Laboratories of the Faculty of Human Medicine
- Anatomy Laboratory (1 + 2)
- Medical Physics Laboratory
- General and Organic Chemistry Lab
- Microbiology Laboratory
- Private and public tissue laboratory
- Embryo laboratory
- Biochemistry Laboratory (1 + 2)
- Physiology Laboratory (1 + 2)
- Computer lab
- Parasitology laboratory
- Pathological anatomy laboratory
- Analytical Chemistry Lab
- Pharmacology and Toxicology Laboratory
- Drug Laboratory
السنوات الدراسية وأعداد الطلاب
السنة الدراسية | المجموع | نسبة الدوام |
السنة الاولى | 320 | %98 |
السنة الثانية | 314 | %99 |
السنة الثالثة | 174 | %100 |
السنة الرابعة | 98 | %100 |
السنة الخامسة ( اكمال ) | 1 | %100 |
السنة السادسة ( اكمال ) | 7 | %100 |
الوسائل والأدوات المستخدمة
يتم تزويد الطلبة بالمعرفة النظرية والعملية من خلال ما يلي:
- المحاضرات.
- وسائل الإيضاح من فيديوهات او مجسمات او كراسات (أطلس).
- المخابر الموجودة والمجهزة جيداً في الكلية.
- التدريب السريري في المشافي العامة في مدينة إدلب وجوارها.
- المؤتمرات والندوات العلمية.
- التعليم عن بعد من خلال أساتذة ومدرسين بالخارج.