Technical Institute for Financial and Administrative Sciences
The institute was established on 1991 by decision No. 64 under the name of the Commercial Institute, then its name was changed to the Technical Institute of Financial and Administrative Sciences with the launch of the University of Idlib. Since its inception, the institute has graduated 3000 male and female students until today. Previously, the institute accommodated 400 students annually, but in recent years it witnessed a remarkable decline in the number of students, as the total number reached 90 students per year only. This is due to the instability, bombing and displacement witnessed by the governorate in general, but with the start of the current year the institute witnessed a good turnout as the total number of new students reached more than 250 students. The number of second year students reached more than 100 students divided into two parts, namely management and accounting.

Vision and mission
We seek to be true pioneers in financial and administrative sciences and their applications, and an energy that makes our educational edifice an end and a destination for our student students in the liberated areas, aiming to prepare qualified human cadres in the sciences (business administration – accounting) and work to effectively link the student’s abilities and skills that he acquires in the institute and the need of the job market, our students are our competitive advantage and our goal that we are proud of.
The aspirations of the institute
Expand and attract more students to the institute.
- Achieving excellence in education for finance, management and accounting sciences.
- Opening new specialties to suit the community’s need (such as Islamic financing and banks).
Work to secure an independent building for the institute.
The most important justifications for the opening of the specialty
Community requirements of labor market and organizations need
Specialty goals
- Providing graduates with academic knowledge in the fields of accounting, its subsidiaries, management and its branches
- To enhance the student’s self-confidence that he is an effective member of society and contribute to the process of building and development of society.
Areas of specialization
In the field of accounting: The graduate does financial matters such as accounting, auditing, inventory, cash flow statement, income statement and budgets …
In the field of administration: the graduate does the human resources, public relations, administrative systems, finance, investment, marketing, and sales matters.
Laboratories of the Technical Institute for Financial and Administrative Sciences
Computer laboratory
السنوات الدراسية وأعداد الطلاب في الكلية
السنة الدراسية | SUM | DICEMAL |
First year | 275 | 60% |
Second year | 130 | 75% |
الوسائل والأدوات المستخدمة
سيتم تزويد الطلبة بالمعرفة النظرية والعملية من خلال ما يلي:
- المحاضرات النظرية.
- حلقة البحث العملية.
- مخابر الحاسوب.
- الندوات والمؤتمرات في مجال المحاسبة والإدارة.