A scientific trip for the fourth year students at the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering under the supervision of Engineer Ammar Akil to the Yamama plant to produce chicken fattening feed and an egg incubator to produce fattening sauce
#Faculty of Agricultural_Engineering
scientific journey
A scientific trip was carried out for the fourth year students in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering under the supervision of the engineer “Ammar Akil” to the Yamama plant to produce chicken fattening feed, with the aim of identifying the stages of forming the feed mixture used to feed poultry and its components.
The visit also included an egg hatcher for the production of fattening chicks and getting acquainted with the sections of the hatchery, starting with the eggs produced from the mothers’ barns until the production of a day-old chick and its distribution to the broiler’s poultry house, the stages and conditions that must be met for hatching and hatching eggs.