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A scientific trip for the fourth year students at the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering on July 6, 2020

Under the supervision of M. Ahmed Al-Murra to learn about common diseases


#Faculty of Agricultural_Engineering

scientific journey

A scientific trip was carried out to the fields and orchards scattered in the areas of Arab Saeed, Kafr Takharim and Harem for fourth-year students in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering on 6/7/2020 under the supervision of Engineer Ahmed Al-Murra to identify the diseases prevalent in these areas, and some diseases were noted:

Tarnaria blight, walnut leaf spot, tomato spiders, grape leaf mite, phosphorous deficiency, late blight, olive tuberculosis, powdery mildew, vascular wilt, aphids and whitefly, and the increase in diseases was noted with the increase in ground moisture.

Pathological samples were collected and examined in the pathology laboratory at the College of Agricultural Engineering and confirmed for infection.
Important diseases were kept for testing and implementation of graduation projects.

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