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Announcement The Deanship of the Faculty of Administration and Economics at Idlib University has the honor to invite you to attend the public discussion of the Master’s thesis in Business Administration, which was prepared by the student “Mohammed Mustafa Al-Bakour”

Entitled: The impact of financial information systems efficiency in the effectiveness of financial risk management A comparative study between Idlib University and Idlib Health Directorate / Impact of financial information systems efficiency in the effectiveness of financial risk management


#Faculty of Administration and Economics


The Deanship of the Faculty of Administration and Economics at Idlib University has the honor to invite you to attend the public discussion of the Master’s thesis in Business Administration

Prepared by the student “Mohammed Mustafa Al-Bakour”

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The impact of the efficiency of financial information systems on the effectiveness of financial risk management
A comparative study between Idlib University and Idlib Health Directorate

Impact of financial information systems efficiency in the effectiveness of financial risk management 

Supervised by:

  • Dr. “Noureddin Ghafir“.
  • Dr. “Hossam Al-Ahmad“.

This is before the Judgment and Discussion Committee, consisting of:

1- Dr. Noureddin Ghafir, Chairman and Supervisor

2- Dr. “Abdul Wahid Hamouda” Member

3- Dr. Jamal Bello, member

And that will be at 12.00 noon on Saturday, October 17, 2020, at the Faculty of Administration and Economics at Idlib University.

open invitation

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