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Statement The Consultative Institute for Languages was created by virtue of Idlib University Council Decision No. /72/ dated May 13, 2018 AD
The institute includes departments of English, French and Turkish
Faculty of Arts_Consulting Institute of Languages
The Consulting Institute for Languages was established by virtue of Idlib University Council Decision No. /72/ dated May 13, 2018. The institute includes three departments:
? English Language Teaching Department
? French language department
? Turkish language department
The main goals of the institute:
- Meet the society’s needs of living languages required in various areas of practical life.
- Providing educational institutions with qualified graduates in the field of language teaching and learning.
- Improving the level of foreign language education in the university’s departments and faculties.
- Providing the necessary language assistance to members of the educational and technical staff at the university to enable them to carry out their scientific research.
- Strengthening the language ability of students in the different stages of education and for members of society in general by holding qualitative strengthening and training courses in foreign languages that give them sufficient skills to keep pace with the developments of practical life and the labor market and qualify them to obtain international certificates in languages.