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Discussion of the Master’s thesis in Sharia, prepared by the student “Mohammed Abdul Ghani Al-Mahmoud”

بعنوان: بيع الرجا وتطبيقاته المعاصرة/Sale of Raja and its contemporary applications

#Faculty of Sharia and Law

Believing that science is its way, and to achieve the dreams of its students, and to complete its goal of graduating competencies and developing scientific research, Idlib University continues its scientific achievement, by opening the doors of postgraduate studies to its students.

The master’s thesis in Islamic law was discussed, which was prepared by the researcher:

Mohammed Abdul Ghani Al-Mahmoud

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بيع الرجا وتطبيقاته المعاصرة
Sale of Raja and its contemporary applications

This is before the Judgment and Discussion Committee, composed of:

1- Dr. Anas Ayrout, supervisor and president.

2_ Dr. “Bassam Sahyoni” as a member.

3_ Dr. “Abdul Rahman Azizi” as a member.

This will be at 10:00 pm on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, at the College of Human Medicine’s amphitheater

After the discussion, the committee decided to grant a master’s degree in Islamic law to the student “Mohammed Abdul Ghani Al-Mahmoud

With an acceptable rating

We wish all our students good luck and success

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