Announcement The Deanship of the Faculty of Sharia and Law at the University of Idlib has the honor to invite you to attend the public discussion of the Master’s thesis in Islamic Sharia, which was prepared by the researcher “Mohammed Abdul-Ghani Al-Mahmoud”
بعنوان: بيع الرجا وتطبيقاته المعاصرة/Sale of Raja and its contemporary applications
#Faculty of Sharia and Law
The Deanship of the Faculty of Sharia and Law at the University of Idlib has the honor to invite you to attend the public discussion of the Master’s thesis in Islamic Sharia, which was prepared by the researcher “Mohammed Abdul Ghani Al-Mahmoud”
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” بيع الرجا وتطبيقاته المعاصرة “
” Sale of Raja and its contemporary applications “
It is supervised by:
- Dr.. Anas Ayrout, supervisor and participant.
Before the judging and discussion committee:
1- Dr. Anas Ayrout, supervisor and president.
2_ Dr. “Bassam Sahyoni” as a member.
3_ Dr. “Abdul Rahman Azizi” as a member.
And that will be at exactly ten in the morning on Tuesday, corresponding to 9 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1441 AH, on 06/30/2020, at the College of Human Medicine’s amphitheater.
open invitation