Announcement for the discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Science for the student “Mohamed Hassan Abdel-Aal”
بعنوان: الإجهاد التأكسدي للعمال المعرضين لملوثات الهواء في محطات تكرير النفط البدائية - Oxidative stress among Syrian workers exposed to air pollutants in primitive oil refining stations
#College of Science
In an effort from the University of Idlib to supply the liberated areas with scientific cadres, to achieve the students’ dream of their educational attainment, and to support scientific research and researchers,
At ten o’clock on Tuesday, October 8, 2019, in the College of Science, a public discussion of the master’s thesis that he prepared took place.
Student “Mohamed Hassan Abdel Aal“
” الإجهاد التأكسدي للعمال المعرضين لملوثات الهواء في محطات تكرير النفط البدائية “
” Oxidative stress among Syrian workers exposed to air pollutants in primitive oil refining stations “
On the amphitheater of the College of Science and in front of the Judgment and Discussion Committee consisting of:
- Dr. “Abdul Moneim Abdel Hafez” Chairman
- Dr.. Ibrahim Al-Hassani, Scientific Supervisor
- Dr.. “Hussain Al-Omar” member
After deliberation among the members of the committee, the committee decided to grant the student a master’s degree in biology with a specialization in “public health and food safety” with a score of 85.5
And with excellent grades
The discussion was attended by a number of educational and administrative staff at Idlib University and some graduate students.