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Announcing the discussion of the first master’s thesis in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at the University of Idlib for the student “Osama Amin Slat”
Entitled: The role of applying good governance standards in the performance of local councils
#Faculty of Administrative Sciences
Discussion of the first master’s thesis in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Idlib University for the student
” Osama Amin Slat “
Business Administration specialization
” The role of applying good governance standards in the performance of local councils “
A field study on local councils in the liberated north of Syria
Under the supervision of Dr. “Hossam Adeeb Khadija“
The judging committee for the master’s thesis was composed of:
- Dr.. Abdel Wahed Hammouda, President
- Dr.. Hussam Khadija, member and supervisor
- Dr.. Aqaba Al-Issa Member
The student, Osama Slat, obtained a master’s degree with a grade of very good and a mark of 76.66 .
The discussion was attended by:
- Mr. Fawaz Hilal, Prime Minister of the Salvation Government
- And Dr. Bassam Sahyoni, Speaker of the Shura Council
- And Dr. Magdi Al-Hassani, President of the Higher Education Council
- And Dr. Taher Samaq, President of Idlib University
- And Dr. Mohamed Abdel Hai, Vice President for Administrative Affairs
- And Dr. Salloum Moussa, Vice President for Scientific Affairs
- And Dr. Jamal Belilo, Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and the faculty of the faculty