Announcement The Deanship of the College of Arts and Humanities – Department of English Language at Idlib University has the honor to invite you to attend the public discussion of the Master’s thesis in the English language, which was prepared by the student “Mohammed Najdat Bakdash”
بعنوان: صورة المحبوبة في سلسلة السونيتا في العصر الإيليزابيثي/The Image of the Beloved in the Elizabethan Sonnet Sequence

#Faculty of Arts and Humanities
The Deanship of the College of Arts and Humanities – Department of English at the University of Idlib has the honor to invite you to attend the public discussion of the master’s thesis in the English language
And prepared by the student “Mohamed Najdat Bakdash“
Tagged with
” صورة المحبوبة في سلسلة السونيتا في العصر الإيليزابيثي “
” The Image of the Beloved in the Elizabethan Sonnet Sequence “
It is supervised by:
- Dr.. “ Uwfaa Hussain Muhammad Al-Douri.”
Before the judging and discussion committee:
1- Prof. “Abdul Hamid Maikel” as President
2_ d. ” Uwfaa Hussain Muhammad Al-Douri “, supervisor and member
3_ d. Intisar Rashid Khalil Al-Janabi, Member
And that will be at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, corresponding to Dhu al-Hijjah 28, 1441 AH, dated 08/18/2020, at the amphitheater of the Faculty of Human Medicine at Idlib University.
open invitation