Discussion of the master’s thesis in veterinary medicine prepared by the student “Bilal Yasser Salama”
بعنوان: عزل المطثية الحاطمة من حالات التهاب الأمعاء النخري عند دجاج اللحم/Isolation Clostridium Perferinges from Necrotic Enteritis cases in broiler chicken
#College of Veterinary Medicine
Believing that science is its way, and to achieve the dreams of its students, and to complete its goal of graduating competencies and developing scientific research, Idlib University continues its scientific achievement, by opening the doors of postgraduate studies to its students.
The master’s thesis in veterinary medicine was discussed, which was prepared by the student:
Bilal Yasser Salameh
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” عزل المطثية الحاطمة من حالات التهاب الأمعاء النخري عند دجاج اللحم “
” Isolation Clostridium Perferinges from Necrotic Enteritis cases in broiler chicken “
It is supervised by:
- A.M.D. Fouad Daoud, Assistant Professor of Microbiology
Before the Judgment and Discussion Committee, consisting of:
1- A.D. “Fouad Al-Daoud” Assistant Professor — Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Idlib University, Supervisor and Head
2- “Ayham Abdel Qader” teacher of poultry breeding and nutrition, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Idlib University, as a member
3- Dr. Hussein Al-Omar, toxicology and health instructor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Idlib University, member.
And that will be at 12.00 pm on Saturday, corresponding to 15/08/2020, at the amphitheater of the Faculty of Human Medicine, in the presence of the President of Idlib University, Dr. “Ahmed Abu Hajar” and his deputy, Dr. “Mohammed Abdel Hai,” where the researcher was awarded a master’s degree in veterinary medicine with a score of 79. 33 percent.
We wish all our students good luck and success