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A seminar for the completion of a scientific research plan to obtain a master’s degree in veterinary medical sciences, specializing in public health and food safety, which was prepared by the researcher “Riyad Abdel Karim Al-Mohammed”

Entitled: Detection of Most Important Contaminants for Poultry Feeds in Northern Region of Syria

#College of Veterinary Medicine
Discussion of a seminar on finalizing a scientific research plan to obtain a master’s degree in veterinary medical sciences with the specialization of “public health and food safety” for the researcher:

“Riyad Abdul Karim Al-Mohammed”


الكَشْف عن أهم الملوثات الفطرية لأعلاف الدواجن في المنطقة الشمالية من سورية “

 ” Detection of Most Important Contaminants for Poultry Feeds in Northern Region of Syria “

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