College of Sharia and Law
The Faculty of Sharia and Law at the University of Idlib was established in the year 2015 / due to the urgent need and the utmost necessity, especially in light of the Syrian revolution, which lacked the two most essential elements, the legally rooted legal component, the correct rooting in accordance with the purposes of Islamic law and the other medical component.
The university has created this college that was not previously present and during this past short period this college was developed by providing it with educational staff for higher degrees in addition to taking care of the curriculum that was developed in accordance with scientific standards and legal controls and now we are working with the beginning of this year to create graduate studies Jurisprudence and its origins (MA for males and females), knowing that the Higher Institute for Judiciary was created previously, and we hope in the coming days more interest and advancement in the college to keep pace with the educational and educational process.

Vision and mission
Work to achieve the highest academic and scientific level at the level of members of the educational body and students, which leads to the advancement and advancement of society and the enrichment of the Islamic Library and scientific research in accordance with the purposes of Islamic Sharia.
College goals
- Prepare scientifically and intellectually qualified science students who are able to conduct scientific research and develop self and society in a manner consistent with the purposes of Sharia.
- Contribute to spreading religious awareness among the members of society.
- Contribute to scientific research, seminars and legal studies, especially with regard to the contemporary real world.
- Preparing scientific cadres specialized in the Sharia judiciary.
- Preparation of preachers and preachers of mosques qualified scientifically, intellectually and educationally.
- Preparing scientifically qualified teachers to provide the Directorate of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education with these cadres.
The college plan of study
The College of Sharia and Law holds the following Islamic courses for non-specialists:
Principles of Faith – Jurisprudence of Worship – Biography of a Prophet – Contemporary Intellectual Current (Theoretical Colleges and Engineering Colleges with all their branches) – Medical Calamities (Medical Colleges) – Contemporary Financial Transactions (Colleges of Business Administration and Economics) /.
Full-time in college
- Full-time is not compulsory for theoretical subjects.
- The full- time must not be less than 50% in the practical subjects out of the total full-time hours, and the student is prohibited from taking the practical exam if he does not achieve the required full-time.
Degrees and duration of study
On the proposal of the College of Sharia and Law, the University awards the following degrees:
- License in Sharia and Law, duration of study is four years.
- Leave in the Sharia’a to complete a study, the duration until the completion of all courses uploaded to the student, and that during the academic year 2018/2019, and the end of the year mentioned is considered the last date for granting the leave within the academic completion system unless it is extended by the Higher Education Council.
- Bachelor of Laws, Study Completion, Duration until completion of all student-uploaded courses. And that during the academic year 2018/2019, and the end of the mentioned year is considered the last date for granting the license within the academic completion system unless it is extended by the Higher Education Council.
- Master’s degree: The study period for a master’s degree is two years, the first year is considered preliminary and includes (7) subjects, and the second year is limited to scientific research and thesis.
- Bachelor’s degree, academic completion: period until completion of research discussion, and within a maximum period of three years.
- PhD degree: Academic completion: the period until the completion of the research discussion and within a maximum period of four years.
- Degree of the Higher Judicial Institute: The study period is two years; each year includes 9 subjects.
الاحكام الخاصة بالامتحانات العملية :
- تعتبر مقررات الفصل الأول في كافة السنوات نظرية ولا تحتوي على قسم عملي .
- تحتوي مقررات الفصل الثاني على قسم عملي كما هو مبين في الجدول التالي :
م | اسم المادة | السنة |
1 | تلاوة /1/ | أولى |
2 | تلاوة /2/ | ثانية |
3 | تلاوة /3/ | ثالثة |
4 | تلاوة /4/ | رابعة |
5 | دعوة وخطابة | ثالثة |
6 | مكتبة وتخريج | ثانية |
7 | مشروع التخرج | رابعة |
– تعتبر علامة العملي من 50 موزعة على الشكل التالي: ( 10 علامات حضور + 40 علامة عملي ومشاركة )
الأحكام الخاصة بالامتحانات النظرية :
- يُجرى امتحان الاجازة مرتين سنويا موزعة على فصلين.
- يُجرى امتحان الدورة التكميلية لطلاب السنة الرابعة فقط (يحدد عدد المواد المسموح بتقديمها بقرار من رئاسة الجامعة).
- يُجرى امتحان دورة استثنائية لطلاب جميع السنوات بقرار من مجلس التعليم العالي وحسب الحاجة.
- يشترط لنجاح الطالب في المادة حصوله على علامة 50 فما فوق . والا يعتبر راسب في المادة ويحق له تقديمها في الدورات الإمتحانية اللاحقة .
- يشترط النجاح في الامتحان العملي لدخول الامتحان النظري في مادة التلاوة وفي الدورة نفسها .
- يحق للطالب إعادة العملي بشرط حصوله على أقل من نصف العلامة في المادة وبعد تقدمه بطلب إعادة عملي الى شعبة الامتحانات.
- يحدد عدد المواد التي تتيح للطالب الترفع الى السنة التالية بقرار من مجلس التعليم العالي في نهاية كل سنة دراسية .
السنوات الدراسية وأعداد الطلاب
السنة الدراسية | العدد | نسبة الدوام |
السنة الأولى | 720 | 100 % |
السنة الثانية | 455 | 100 % |
السنة الثالثة | 220 | 100 % |
السنة الرابعة | 180 | 100 % |