دعوة للعاملين في مستشفى إدلب الجامعي (فنيين وممرضين) وطلبة كلية الطب البشري والمعهد الطبي؛ لحضور محاضرة بعنوان (الأدوية في طب الأطفال) للدكتور “محمد المطير”
Invitation to the workers of Idlib University Hospital (technicians and nurses) and students of the Faculty of Medicine and the Medical Institute; To attend a lecture entitled (Medications in Pediatrics) by Dr. “Mohammed Al-Mutair”Invitation to the workers of Idlib University Hospital (technicians and nurses) and students of the Faculty of Medicine and the Medical Institute; To attend a lecture entitled (Medications in Pediatrics) by Dr. “Mohammed Al-Mutair”
İdlib Üniversitesi Hastanesi çalışanları (teknisyen ve hemşireler) ile Tıp Fakültesi ve Tıp Enstitüsü öğrencilerine davet; Dr. “Mohammed Al-Mutair” tarafından (Pediatride İlaçlar) başlıklı bir konferansa katılmak için