Home/الأخبار/أخبار عامة/تعميم عن موعد امتحان التقويم والقياس (الكولكيوم) العملي لطلاب المعاهد الطبية وفق الجدول المرفق أخبار عامةالأخبارتعاميمخبر عاجل تعميم عن موعد امتحان التقويم والقياس (الكولكيوم) العملي لطلاب المعاهد الطبية وفق الجدول المرفق 6 February، 20220 319 Less than a minute 6 February، 20220 319 Less than a minute Facebook X WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print
Home/Breaking news/Circular about the date of the practical assessment and measurement (collection) exam for students of medical institutes according to the attached schedule Breaking newsCircularsGeneral newsUncategorized Circular about the date of the practical assessment and measurement (collection) exam for students of medical institutes according to the attached schedule 6 February، 20220 279 Less than a minute 6 February، 20220 279 Less than a minute Facebook X WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print
Home/Flaş Haber/Tıp enstitüsü öğrencileri için uygulamalı değerlendirme ve ölçme (toplama) sınavının tarihi ile ilgili ekteki çizelgeye göre genelge Flaş HaberGenel HaberlerGenelgelerHaberler Tıp enstitüsü öğrencileri için uygulamalı değerlendirme ve ölçme (toplama) sınavının tarihi ile ilgili ekteki çizelgeye göre genelge 6 February، 20220 271 Less than a minute 6 February، 20220 271 Less than a minute Facebook X WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print