Conditions for publication in the Idlib University Journal
Terms of publication in Idlib University Research Journal
- In its various series, Idlib University Research Journal publishes original researches from inside and outside Idlib University providing that they fulfill the terms of coherent academic research and the requirements of Idlib University Research Journal.
- The research shall be presented to two specialized arbitrators. If one of the arbitrators rejects the research, it shall be presented to a third arbitrator
- Researches received by the journal shall not be returned to their owners, whether they are published or not.
- A researcher gets a research publication notice after their research is ready for publication in the journal.
- The journal reserves the right of submitting proposals for amendment and clarification according to the content of the experts’ reports.
- The journal shall not be responsible for the opinions and tendencies implicated in the published works.
Conditions for publishing researches in Idlib University Research Journal
- A research must be original and not published or submitted for publication in any other journal or website.
- A research owner undertakes that they have never published their research, and have not submitted it for publication to any other party.
- Ownership of the accepted research shall be transferred to the journal for a period of one year from the date of publication. Thereafter, the researcher shall have the right to republish it in a book of their ownership.
- A research publication request form shall be submitted directly to the journal, and the research owner shall pay the financial fees incurred for publishing the research.
- The original research shall be printed on the computer in three hard copies on one side on (B5) paper, with the name of the researcher on one copy only. The research shall be not less than 5 pages and not more than 30 pages, including summaries, tables and references…. provided that it meets the required specifications of printing and conditions of publication in the journal. In addition, an electronic copy in both formats (Word and PDF) shall be submitted.
- The title of the research, the name of the researcher, the department and the college and the university shall be written at the beginning of the research.
- The research shall be organized in accordance with the specialization.
Example 1:
Summary, keywords, foreign language summary, foreign language keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion.
Example 2:
Summary, keywords, foreign language summary, foreign language keywords, introduction, importance of the research, research methodology, previous studies, difficulties, research plan, preface, themes and conclusion.
- Arabic numerals shall be used in the research (1,2,3, …)
- The research shall include a summary (5-10 lines) in the original language of the research in addition to a summary in a foreign language.
- The researcher shall be informed of the results of the arbitration to make the required amendments (if any).
- After the research is scientifically and technically ready, it shall be presented to the linguistic audit committee. The researcher shall be required to make linguistic corrections (if any).
- After the research is ready for publication (scientifically, linguistically and technically), the researcher shall submit a final paper copy and an electronic copy (Word, PDF) signed by them.
Page and print options
Options: | Numerals: Arabic |
Paragraph Format: | First line indent (1.27 cm). Line spacing: single. |
Page Setup:
Margins: Top and Bottom (2.5 cm), Right and Left (2.5 cm). [The documentation margin for odd pages: 0.8 and for even pages: 0.8]. |
Paper size: B5 – height and width (17.6 x 25 cm). | |
Headers and Footers: Different odd and even pages; footer and header: (1.5 cm). |
Type of the letter specified for research, text body, and footnotes
Paragraph | Arabic Font | Foreign Font | Font Style |
Font | Simplified Arabic | Times New Roman | Bold |
Research Title | 16 | 14 | Bold |
Researcher’s name and surname | 13 | 12 | Regular |
Dept., Faculty and University | 12 | 12 | Bold |
Summary text | 13 | 12 | Regular |
Letters and numbers in the text of the summary and the research | 13 | 12 | Bold |
Headings in the body of the text | 14 | 13 | Bold |
The text in the body of the research | 13 | 12 | Regular |
Subheadings in the body of the text | 13 | 12 | Bold |
Footnotes (bottom 0f the page) | 12 | 12 | Regular |
Odd and Even Page Header | 12 | 12 | Regular |
Page number (bottom center) | 13 | 12 | Regular |
Values inside the table | 12 | 12 | Regular |
– Odd Page Header (1-3-5…):
If the research is written in Arabic, the following shall be added: Idlib University Research Journal, Biological Sciences Series, Issue No ……. year 2020.
– Even page header (2-4-6…):
If the research is written in Arabic, the following shall be added: the name of the researcher or researchers, for example: Dr. Hassoun, Dr. Mossa and Dr. Khulaif.
Microsoft Word formatting tips:
- There should be no space before the following characters (they should be typed immediately after the preceding word): dot (.), comma (, ،), semicolon (; ؛), colon (:), closed parenthesis)] and percent (%).
- There should be no space after the following characters (the following word should be written immediately after them): the open bracket ([ and the Arabic conjunction (و).
- Symbols and equations are typed in foreign characters using the Microsoft Equation editor built-in in Microsoft Word. Chemical equations have special programmes such as Chem Window.
- Tables and figures should be numbered respectively according to their occurrence in the manuscript. They should be titled in font size (10) of the bold style provided that the title precedes the table and follows the figures.
Documentation Method in Idlib University Research Journal
First : Scientific Series
Second: Literature and Sharia Series
Third : Psychological and Educational Studies Series
First: Scientific Series:
Documentation, according to the American Psychological Association (APA) method, shall be as follows:
- Inside the research:
- If the reference is a book, the author’s family name, the year of publication, the page or pages shall be written in parentheses as follows:
If the reference is written by one author: (Al-Khatib, 1990, p. 12) / (Raup, 2003, p.52)
If the reference is written by two authors: (Al-Qaddoumi and Abd al-Haqq, p. 22) / (Wilmore & Costill, 1994, p.22)
If the reference is written by three authors or more: the first author’s family name and the following phrase should be added “et al”. Example:
(Anis et al., 1972, p. 30)/ (Adams, et al., 2002, p.85)
- If the reference is a research published in a scientific journal, the above should be taken into account.
- If the reference is a website, the Author’s name (if any), Article Title, Year, and Site shall be written: as follows:
(Al-Yousifi, 2002, The economic and environmental feasibility of using renewable energy).
- The list of references is written at the end of the research alphabetically with continuous numbering so that the numbering begins with the Arabic references and then the foreign references.
- Sources and references at the end of the research.
Arabic sources and references first, then foreign sources and references shall be listed as follows:
- If the reference is a book in Arabic:
The author’s family or nickname, followed by his name. Year of Publication. Two spaces. The Title of the Book, underlined. Edition. Two spaces. Publisher. Place of Publication. Example:
Al-Turki, Khaled. (2002). Earth science. i3. University Book House. Riyadh. Saudi Arabia.
Raup, D. (2003). Principles of Paleontology. Toppan Company. Tokyo. Japan
– If the reference is composed by more than one person, we write as follows:
Nickname, name, full name of the second and third authors, etc. Then we continue in the above order.
- For Documenting a research published in a scientific journal in Arabic or in a foreign language, the following order shall be taken into account:
The author’s family name, followed by his first name. Year of Publication. Search Title in quotation marks. Journal Name: Volume, Issue (if available). Pages. Example:
Abu Saft, Muhammad. (2000). “Landslides that occurred during the 91/92 winter season in the northern West Bank.” Yarmouk Research Journal (Basic and Engineering Sciences Series): 9(1): 9-47.
Parker, G. (1990). “Surface-based bedload transport relation for grave/rivers”. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 28(4): 417-436.
- Documentation of an unpublished university thesis in Arabic or a foreign language:
The following order is taken into account:
The researcher’s family name, followed by his first name. Year. Title. College, University. Country of Publication. The thesis title shall be written in quotation marks. Example:
Hanini, Nazim. (2002). “The impact of industrial noise on the rates of blood pressure, heart rate and hearing among factory workers in the city of Nablus”, an unpublished master’s thesis, College of Graduate Studies, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.
Al-Najjar, T. (2000). “The seasonal dynamics and grazing control of phyto and mespzooplankton in the
Northern Gulf of Aqaba”. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. Center for Tropical Marine Ecology. University of
Bremen. Germany.
- Documentation of the Internet: The following order should be taken into account:
The author’s family or nickname, first name, year of publication. “Article Title”, website – underlined.
Al-Youssufi, Basil. (2005). Economic and environmental feasibility of using renewable energy.”
Second: Literature and Sharia Series:
Footnotes (sources, references, journals…) shall be written at the end of the research by inserting sequential endnotes according to their occurrence in the article.
A- Books:
(1) When a book is documented for the first time, documentation shall be as follows:
The most famous name of the author, then parentheses (the first name of the author and the nickname) (without scientific titles), a colon, then the title of the book (in bold) as mentioned by the author himself, followed by a comma, the investigation or translation (if any), the publishing house followed by a comma, the place of publication followed by a comma, the edition, followed by a comma, date of the edition or publication, the part from which the information was taken, a comma, the page or pages, then the documentation ends with a dot.
Source Documentation for the first time:
Ibn al-Atheer (Abul Hasan Muhammad al-Jazari, d. 630 AH): al-Kamil fi al-Tarikh, investigated by Abdullah al-Qadi, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, Beirut, 2, 1417 AH / 1996 AD, vol. 2, p. 55 or 2/55.
Reference Documentation for the first time:
The first name, the nickname, then the name of the book …. and so on.
Ismail Sabri Muqalled: International Political Relations, a study in origins and theories, Publications of Dar Al Salasil, Kuwait, 5th edition, 1989, pp. 31-40.
(2) If the documentation of the same source/reference is repeated twice or consecutively on the same page of the research, the following shall be written:
Source/ibid., part 2 – if available, p. 110.
In English we write: Ibid, p110.
(3) If the source/reference is repeated in a non-consecutive manner, it shall be referred to as follows:
Author’s last name: Title of the book, vol… (if any), p…
Ibn al-Atheer: al-Kamil, vol. 1, p. 87.
Muqalled: International Politics, pp. 85-93
(4) If the author has another book, it shall be documented for the first time as mentioned above. If it is repeated, the previous steps shall be followed.
(5) If the book is investigated/translated, the name of the investigator/translator shall be added immediately after the name of the book, and the same above-mentioned method of documentation shall be followed.
Investigation Example:
Al-Kindi (Yacoub bin Isshaq, d. 252 AH/866 AD): In the Great Industry, investigated by Azmi Taha al-Sayyid Ahmed, Dar al-Shabab, Cyprus, 1, 1987 AD, pp. 85-87.
Translation Example:
Harold Lasky: Socialism in the Balance, translated by Fawzi Attia, An-Noor Press, Damascus, 1, 1990, vol 1, p. 20.
(6) If the reference is an author’s article in a book that contains articles by several researchers, it shall be documented as follows:
The first name of the author of the article, nickname, colon, the title of the article in inverted small brackets “…” followed by a comma, then the preposition in, the title of the book followed by a comma, then the first name and nickname of the book editor followed by a comma, the publishing house, a comma, the place of publication followed by a comma, the year of publication, the page or pages, then a dot.
Sayed Numeiri: “The Industry in Sudan“, in An Introduction to the Sudan Economy, edited by Ali Al-Hassan, Khartoum University Press, Khartoum, 1976, pp. 76-101.
(7) The date of death is indicated – in the Hijri year, preferably in the Hijri and Gregorian calendar – for authors born before 1900 AD.
B- Journals:
(1) The first name of the author, then the nickname: “The title of the article in inverted small brackets”, the name of the journal, location of the journal, volume number, issue number, year of publication, then age or pages number.
Muhammad Al-Tarawneh: “Total Quality Management in Jordanian Industrial Companies”, Al-Manarah, Al-Mafraq, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1996 AD, pp. 113-151.
(2) If the citation is repeated in succession, we write as follows:
Ibid, p. 62. Ibid, p62.
(3) If the citations from the same source / reference are repeated non-consecutively on a later page of the thesis, the documentation shall be as follows:
Muhammad Al-Tarawneh: “Total Quality”, p. 72.
Author’s Name ”Title Of Article “, Op,Cit P 72.
(4) The abbreviated name of journals can be written according to what is approved in scientific encyclopedias.
- Official and International Institutions publication:
Official source: the following shall be written: the name of the ministry, the department and the institution first, then the name of the country, the name of the source, publishing house, year, table and page.
Example (1):
Ministry of Planning, Jordan, Economic Development Plan: 1973 – 1975, National Press, Amman, 1975, Table 10, p. 80.
Example (2):
Department of General Statistics, Jordan, Annual Statistical Bulletin, Department of General Statistics Press, Amman, 1996, Table 14, p. 50.
Example 3:
International Monetary Fund, International Financial Review, Washington 1996, table 50, p. 90.
IMF, International Financial Statistics, Washington ,1996, vol 45, table 25, p120.
- Theses and Dissertations:
Theses and Dissertations (Master and PhD) are documented as follows:
Abdullah Hafez Al-Haj Abdullah: Hejaz Trade in Early Islam from the Prophet’s Mission to 41 AH / 610 – 661 AD, Master’s Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, Cairo, 1430 AH / 2011 AD, p. 65.
(If theses and dissertations are published, they will be treated as a reference).
- Manuscripts:
Author’s first name and nickname: manuscript’s title, manuscript’s location and classification number and folio number. It shall be stated in parentheses that the source is a manuscript.
Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Muflih Al-Rumaithi Al-Maqdisi (died 803 AH / 1400 AD): The most guiding destination in the remembrance of the companions of Imam Ahmad, Library of the Iraqi Museum, Baghdad No. 8630, Folio 25, (Manuscript).
- Newspapers:
Name of the newspaper, place of publication, Issue number, date, page.
Ad-Dustour, Amman, No. 9268, 13 June, 1993, p. 3, first column.
Jordan Times Amman, No. 5281, 12 April, 1993, p. 2.
- Court Records:
The name of the court that issued the decision shall be mentioned, decision number and year (3/94), then the place of its publication (if any), the issue (if any), then the year.
Example in the case of publication in the Bar Journal:
Discrimination of Rights 383/91, Journal of the Jordanian Bar Association, issue 1-3, p. 181, National Press, Amman, 1993.
Insurance Co. North America .V. Heritage Bank. 595 Federal Second 171 163 1979.
Conference Proceedings
Author’s name and nickname: title, name of the proceedings, volume number or issue number, place of the conference, date of the conference, place of proceedings publication, year.
Ali Issa Othman: The Open Learning System and the Arab World, in the minutes of the Distance Learning Symposium, edited by ….., Amman, Jordan, December 6-8, 1986
Carlier, P And King, G. Qustal Al- Balqa An Umayyad Site In Jordan, Proceedings Of The Fourth international Conference On The History Of Bilad Al –Sham, Vol.ll The University Of Jordan, Amman Jordan 1989 Pp 17 -110.
Third: Psychological and Educational Studies Series:
First: Arabic references:
1- Inside the text:
A- One author:
Between two parentheses: the author’s nickname and initial letter of the first name, year, page number.
Example: (Aqil, F, 1998, 57)
B- two authors:
Between two parentheses: the first author’s nickname and initial letter of their first name, the second author’s nickname and initial letter of their first name, year, page number.
Example: (Aqil, F, and Al-Rifai, N, 1998, 57)
C- Three or more authors:
Between two parentheses: the first author’s nickname and initial letter of their first name, then et al., year, page number.
Example: (Aqil, F, et al., 1998, 57).
2- List of Arabic references at the end of the research:
A- One author:
It shall be started with the surname followed by a comma, first name followed by a comma, year followed by colon:, title of the book followed by a comma, edition number followed by a comma, publishing house followed by a comma, country of publication followed by a dot.
– Aqil, Fakher, 1998: Educational Psychology, 2nd Edition, Dar Al-Ilm for Millions, Beirut.
B- Two authors:
It shall be started with the first author’s surname followed by a comma, their first name followed by a comma, then the second author’s surname and their first name followed by a comma, year followed by a colin:, title of the book followed by a comma, edition number followed by a comma, publishing house followed by a comma, country of publication followed by a dot.
– Aqil, Fakher, and Al-Rifai, Naeem, 1998: Educational Psychology, 2nd Edition, Dar Al-Ilm for Millions, Beirut.
C- Three or more authors:
It shall be started with the first author’s surname followed by a comma, their first name followed by a comma, then the second author’s surname followed by a comma, their first name followed by a comma, then the third author’s surname followed by a comma, their first name followed by a comma, the year followed by colon:, the title of the book followed by a comma, edition number followed by a comma, publishing house followed by a comma, country of publication followed by a dot.
– Aqil, Fakher, Al-Rifai, Naeem, and Makhoul, Malik, 1998: Educational Psychology, 2nd Edition, Dar Al-Ilm for Millions, Beirut.
- Translated reference:
A- Inside the text: Documentation is done in the name of the author only.
Example: (Watson, J., 1984, 14)
B- In the list of references: The author and the translator are indicated as follows:
Author’s surname, author’s first name, year of authorship: title of reference, translator’s name and surname after writing the phrase translated by, publishing house, country of publication.
Watson, John, 1984: The Behavioral Theory, translated by Abdel Aziz Al-Qusi, Anglo-Egyptian Library, Cairo.
4- The periodical or scientific journal:
Surname of the author or researcher, first name of the author or researcher, year: title of the article or research, name of the journal or periodical, volume number, issue number of the volume, range of research pages in the journal or periodical.
Al-Assar, Safaa, 1998: Achievement motivation and its relationship to exam anxiety among high school students, Psychological Research Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, 434-452.
- PhD and Master theses:
Researcher’s nickname, first name, year: Thesis title, type, college, university, country.
– Marei, Tawfiq Ahmed, 1981: The Basic Educational Performance Competencies of the Primary School Teacher in Jordan in the Light of Systems and Proposing Programmes to Develop them, an unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
- Conference Researches:
Researcher’s surname, researcher’s first name, year: Title of research (in bold), conference sequence (if any), conference title, conference venue (in the period from… to…), volume number, range of research pages in the volume.
Al-Sabban, Abeer, 2007: Marital Compatibility in the Light of Some Personality Traits in a Sample of Saudi Wives in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Fourteenth Annual Conference, Psychological Counseling for Development in the Light of Total Quality, Egypt, Volume One, 119-154.
- Electronic links:
A- Electronic links shall be approved for documentation according to the page from which the researcher takes the quote, and the link appears in the top bar of the site.
B- Electronic links shall be approved for documentation, provided that the author, the researcher or the publisher of the article holds a doctorate degree.
Second: Foreign references:
1- Inside the Text:
A- One author:
Between parentheses, the author’s surname followed by a comma, the initial letter of their name followed by a dot followed by a comma., year followed by a comma, page number.
Example: (Freeman, F., 1962, 22)
B- Two authors:
Between parentheses, the first author’s surname followed by a comma, the initial letter of their first name followed by a dot followed by a comma, then the second author’s surname followed by a comma, the initial letter of their first name followed by a dot followed by a comma, then the year followed by a comma, page number.
Example: (Beck, C. A., & Sales, B. D., 2001, 232)
C- Three or more authors:
Between parentheses, the first author’s surname followed by a comma, the initial letter of their first name followed by a dot followed by a comma, then the abbreviation et al. followed by a comma, year, page number.
Example: (Saywitz, J., et al, 2000, 56)
2- List of foreign references at the end of the research:
What applies to Arabic references applies to foreign references, with only mentioning the author’s surname without the full name. The initial letter of the foreign author shall be followed by a dot followed by a comma.
- One Author: Example
Freeman, F., 1962: Theory and practice of psychological testing, New York, Rinehart and Winston.
- Two Authors: Example
Beck, C. A., & Sales, B. D., 2001: Family mediation, Facts, myths, and future prospects, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- Three or more Authors: Example
Saywitz, J., Mannarino, A. P., Berliner, L., & Cohen, J. A., 2000: Treatment for sexually abused children and adolescents. American Psychologist, 55, 1040-1049.
3- Documentation from a foreign journal or periodical:
Mellers, B. A., 2000: Choice and the relative pleasure of consequences, Psychological Bulletin, 126, 910-924.
- Conference Researches:
Lanktree, C., & Briere, J., 1991, January: Early data on the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children, Paper presented at the meeting of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, San Diego, CA.
Important Notes:
- Arabic references shall be written first, followed by foreign references, followed by websites
- The Arabic references, including journal researches, master’s and doctoral theses, and conference researches, shall be arranged alphabetically.
- Foreign references, including journal researches, master’s and doctoral theses, and conference researches, shall be arranged alphabetically.
- A literal quotation, regardless of the number of its words, shall be placed between quotation marks “………” and documentation shall be done according to the documentation in the text directly.
- If quotation is taken according to the researcher’s understanding, or if an idea is extracted from a text, documentation shall be done according to the documentation in the text directly without quotation marks.
- If the same reference has been quoted consecutively within the text in succession, documentation shall be done in the first time according to the documentation in the text. In the following times the following shall be written (the previous reference and the page only). Example:
The first time: (Aqil, F, and Al-Rifai, N, 1998, 57)
Next time: (op. cit., 122)
- If the author or researcher is a foreigner, it is written for the first time in both foreign and Arabic languages and the year. Then it is sufficient in the following times to be written in Arabic with the year. Example:
Albert Ellis 1990 sees that the rational-emotive approach…. etc.
The following times:
Albert Ellis 1990 believes that irrational thoughts…etc.
- Arabic numerals (1-2-3-4…) shall be used throughout the whole research.
- Numbering of Arabic references begins first in alphabetical order, and numbering of foreign references continues in the same way. If the numbering of the Arabic references ends with the number (30), the number of the first foreign reference shall be (31) and the series continue.
The title of the Journal
- The required copies of the scientific material can be delivered directly to the editorial department of the Journal at: Syria – Idlib Street Institutes Building University Presidency Idlib University Research Journal