Exam instructions
General rules for the exams for administrators and observers
- The university numbers of the students who are entitled to sit the exam should be written in each hall (from … to …).
- Print the names of the students who are entitled to sit for the exam on paper, according to the halls of residence and the date of submitting each subject.
- Handing over the examination notebooks to the hall president by number, and he signs it in the Examinations Division, and delivers them after the exam ends with the number as well, indicating the number of notebooks delivered to students in the hall, counting the blank non-delivered notebooks, and the number of damaged notebooks, if any.
- The costs of the observation should be printed on paper and for each hall, according to the date of submitting the material, in which the president of the hall, the secretary, and the names of the remaining observers should be indicated, and the president of the hall should sign the observation schedule for the observers in each period.
- All observers must sign the observation schedule with the head of the department, stating the day, article, date and name of the observer.
- Students are not allowed to leave the examination room before at least half an hour has passed since the exam start time.
- Matching the student’s data recorded on the notebook, the card, and the personal photo, and for female students, the observer performs this task.
- If the examination notebook is empty; the observer writes a phrase on the front of the notebook (the notebook is empty).
- In the event that there is a blue pen marking the bleacher, the observer will write (the crossed out by the student).
- Requiring the student to bring the university card, personal identification and registration receipt, and a representative from Student Affairs will do the matching of the student’s status, in case the necessary documents are not available.
- Doing the correct gluing of the examination book (putting glue and folding the specified part of the paper) after handing over the notebook or at most half an hour before the end of the exam.
- The secretary finishes exclusively with the green pen and in the empty place only.
- Commitment of all observers to attend the time specified for the examination period, at least a quarter of an hour in advance, in accordance with the duly approved reassignments.
- The observer verifies that all the information is written on the examination notebook (student’s name – his university number – the exact name of the subject – the academic year in which the student is – the department).
- Emphasis on placing the examination notebooks in the circumstances specified for them, with matching the received and delivered notebooks.
- Commitment to the end dates of the exam period, and duly handing over the notebooks to the examination divisions.
- The direct responsible for all the hall affairs is the hall president specified by the college, and no one has the right to interfere with his work.
- The secretary is directly responsible in case the hall president is absent.
- Not to enter the cell phone into the hall by students.
- The observer does not remind the time except at the request of the student.
- The warning to any student should be in a calm manner, between the observer and the student, without causing disturbance to the rest of the students.
- Not allowing students to be present in the internal faculty yard (in front of the halls) after leaving the examination room.
- Observers do not speak with other observers assigned to work with him, or stand at the door of the hall, but rather they must make regular rounds inside the hall.
- The observer doesn’t search any student except in the case of suspicion.
- When any observer becomes aware of the presence of one of his relatives in the hall, the observer shall ask the responsible supervisor to change his room.
- The questions must be encapsulated and sealed, and they are opened to students by the hall president.
- Students are not allowed to take out the automated examination questions and non-automated questions that the college prohibits taking them out.
General rules for exams for students
- It is forbidden to write anything on the question paper under the penalty of canceling the exam, and the answer is exclusively done with a blue, dry pen, and it is not permissible to replace the writing pen except for necessity and with the knowledge of the hall chairperson.
- Not to write any indication, number, or distinguishing mark in the exam notebook, and to write the answers on the bleacher only in the exam book duly stamped with the college’s seal, and it is not permissible to write the answers on the draft except in the event that all the bleaching papers are full, and the word draft is written off when that is written instead Including (bleached) and with the flag of the head of the hall.
- The student is not allowed to leave the examination hall without handing over his papers, even if they are white, and his papers that he handed over are not returned to him regardless of the reason.
- The student is not allowed to leave the examination room at least half an hour before the questions are distributed.
- The penalty for cheating in the exam is doubled if it is repeated during the student’s university life.
- Every student who tries to cheat in any way or is caught cheating in the exam, is taken out of the examination hall and the rules governing the exam penalties in force are applied to him.
- A student may not sit for his examination other than the hall or seat assigned to him, under penalty of cancellation of his examination.
- It is forbidden for any student to enter the examination hall after distributing the questions, regardless of his excuse.
- It is prohibited for the student to bring books or anything related to the subject into the examination room under penalty of cancellation of the exam. The observers inspect the student seats before the exam starts.
- Female students are not allowed to enter the exams with women portfolios.
- The student must respond to the directions of the observer to change his position if he deems it necessary, so that he is not considered to be in violation of the examination regulations.
- The university card, registration receipt and personal identification card must be with the student, and he must place them on his seat continuously throughout the written examination period, and submitted to the examining committee in the oral and practical examinations.
- Students must write their names and numbers (as mentioned in their university cards) on white and colored papers and question paper upon receipt.
- It is not permissible for students to exchange exam notebooks and questions after distributing them to them, whatever the reasons.