مخبر الكيمياء العامة والعضوية
مخبر الحاسوب
مختبر أسس كهربائية
الورش الميكانيكية
مخبر التيرموديناميك
مخبر الهيدروليك
محركات احتراق داخلي
الآلات الزراعية
Since the beginning of engineering science, mechanical engineering was and still is the main discipline for all engineering sciences, and today mechanical engineering is the leading discipline in exploring new knowledge and technologies, whether “through innovations in the field of vehicle design, aeronautics, energy systems, or Through research to find new methods and processes for the production of advanced materials and renewable energy.
And given that we are in a country whose population suffers from the tragedies of war, and in order to establish a free, decent, high-tech and private sector in the field of engineering, and to build a generation that has all the ethical and scientific qualifications to advance it to keep pace with scientific, technical and global civilization progress, the Idlib University in 2015-2016 AD created the College of Engineering Mechanical Department, including the Department of General Mechanical Engineering, which contains a selection of faculty members who strive to provide the best it has to prepare engineers armed with science and extensive knowledge in the field of specialization and familiar with modern scientific methods in analysis and thinking, and are understanding of the human dimensions, and are able to transfer theoretical data The scientific process into a practical reality through engineering designs that show creativity, innovation and creativity, and employing them in the interest of development and human progress in various aspects of life and keeping abreast of the latest developments in science and technology in order to benefit from them.
The study in the department is characterized by the applied nature within the available capabilities in addition to theoretical lessons with a high engineering level, as the department contains some specialized laboratories in the field of computer design engineering and training workshops, and the college grants its students a degree in mechanical engineering after they have successfully passed the five years.
Leadership and creativity in advanced engineering sciences and their applications. So that the college is a regional leader and internationally distinguished in the field of university engineering education and has a prominent reputation in pioneering scientific and applied research while ensuring commitment to global standards for comprehensive quality, making it an effective partner in national development in the field of engineering education and scientific research and preparing a cadre capable of keeping pace with the latest sciences and transfer Knowledge and technology localization in order to serve and develop the community.
The College of Mechanical Engineering sees its mission in preparing distinguished engineering cadres and leaders in conducting research and studies, transferring knowledge and localizing technology in order to serve and develop the community. The college’s mission extends to advancing the process of engineering education in an efficient and effective manner in terms of inputs and outputs and embodying partnership with the industrial sector to meet the needs of the labor market, and fortifying students with knowledge and experience in their fields of specialization; This contributes to making distinguished technical leaders by graduating engineers in various specializations that meet the technical needs of industrial institutions and service interests while providing them with the foundations of knowledge and skills according to international standards and the requirements of major engineering projects in the field of specialization with a full awareness of the problems of society, the environment and professional ethics. The college’s mission also includes raising the capabilities of graduates by holding intensive training courses, organizing specialized workshops and offering master’s and doctoral programs. And contribute to the enrichment of engineering sciences through authentic research, community service and environmental development through professional advice.
مخبر الكيمياء العامة والعضوية
مخبر الحاسوب
مختبر أسس كهربائية
الورش الميكانيكية
مخبر التيرموديناميك
مخبر الهيدروليك
محركات احتراق داخلي
السنة الدراسية | المجموع | نسبة الدوام |
السنة الاولى | 29 | 100% |
السنة الثانية | 30 | 100% |
السنة الثالثة | 19 | 100% |
السنة الرابعة | 31 | 100% |
لابد من الإشارة هنا إلى أن الكلية تبذل قصارى جهدها وبدعم وتشجيع من إدارة الجامعة لتوفير أحدث الوسائل التعليمية للطلبة من خلال توفير المختبرات الحديثة والقاعات الدراسية المجهزة بالحواسيب وشاشات العرض وأحدث المطبوعات والمراجع من الكتب العلمية لتتماشى مع مستجدات القرن الحادي والعشرين. وسيتم تزويد الطلبة بالمعرفة النظرية والعملية من خلال ما يلي: