Library of the College of Sharia and Law
Arts and Humanities Library
Library of the College of Agricultural Engineering
College of Education Library
It means libraries, the central library in the university, college libraries, institute libraries, scientific research center libraries, electronic libraries, student libraries, and libraries provided by other parties for the benefit of the university.
Upgrading the level of libraries and information sources to match Arab and international libraries and become an advanced center for disseminating information and knowledge to achieve the university’s educational, research and societal goals, and to serve higher education and research programs and policies and scientific and cultural advancement of society.
Working to make the Directorate a leader in providing high-quality technical and information services using technology and modern technologies and keeping pace with the fields of research and development and electronic publishing and the acquisition of various sources of information and their organization and facilitating their use, providing information services to beneficiaries and meeting their research and scientific needs and creating an appropriate environment for its leaders and expanding its services on the local scale The world through building partnerships, cooperation mechanisms and agreements that raise the level of the university in international rankings.
First – Providing the sources of information in its various forms, types, and topics according to approved standards and specifications for this purpose in a manner that secures the fulfillment of the beneficiaries’ needs. Second – Scientifically organizing the sources of information and storing them in a way that ensures their access to speed, accuracy and ease and guarantees their safety and preservation. Third – Providing library and information services to beneficiaries according to scientific methods. Fourth – Activating the utilization of library and information sources and services provided by the Directorate through introducing them, and facilitating access to them. Fifth – Training and advising the beneficiaries on how to use the library and benefit from the sources and services of information therein by preparing appropriate programs for training and guidance. Sixth: Technical supervision of college libraries, institute libraries associated with the university, and center libraries in a manner that secures the centralization of technical procedures. Seventh – Providing technical consultations in the field of libraries and information to those who need them, from the authorities and individuals. Eighth: Organizing training courses in the field of libraries and information within the framework of continuing education programs. Ninth: Cooperation and coordination with libraries, information centers, and other related institutions to achieve mutual benefits in libraries procedures and services. X– Organizing seminars, conferences and seminars and participating in such activities organized by other parties. Eleventh – Prepare studies and research in the field of libraries and information, and issue brochures, abstracts, guides, lists of literature, and other forms that serve the library and the beneficiaries. Twelfth– Holding general and specialized book fairs and participating in exhibitions held by other parties.
المهام والأعمال الموكلة إليها
First – Building an office group related to the scientific specializations of the college, institute or center in a way that secures meeting the needs of the library beneficiaries.
Second – Providing library services and codified information to their beneficiaries.
Third – Storing information sources and arranging them according to the rules and standards adopted in university libraries in a manner that guarantees the accuracy of organization and speed of retrieval.
Fourth – Cooperation with other libraries.
Fifth – Training and instructing the beneficiaries on how to use the library and benefit from the sources of information and services therein.
First: the beneficiaries Second: Items that are not allowed to be checked out Third: The number of books allowed to be loaned to the semester Fourth: The loan period Fifth: penalties and fines Fines for lost books and destruction Sixth: An acquittance. Seventh: General provisions.
The rules governing loaning of the Idlib University libraries
Library of the College of Sharia and Law
Arts and Humanities Library
Library of the College of Agricultural Engineering
College of Education Library
the central Library
Electronic library
Medical Library
Engineering Library
It is noteworthy that the number of copies of books registered in the departments of the Directorate of Libraries exceeded 60 thousand books of various scientific, literary and cultural specializations, and there are deliberate plans to expand the scope of the Directorate’s work in line with the priority of filling needs and quality standards and available capabilities.