Faculty of Administrative Sciences
The College of Administrative Sciences was established at the University of Idlib in 2011, and the number of its students until 2015 reached about 800 students. The number of students of the College of Administrative Sciences for the academic year 2017-2018 until the end of the first semester reached 410 students. Majoring in college takes place in the third academic year.
Vision and mission
The college seeks excellence, leadership, and reference in economic and financial sciences and scientific research, and contributes to developing and modernizing the educational system by preparing specialized human cadres that are able to compete in the labor market and contribute to community service by providing a scientific and professional environment, with high quality. The college also contributes to training Scientific research and consulting in all economic and financial specializations.
College goals
- Building the student’s personality, and developing his scientific, practical and research capabilities in a distinguished scientific manner in the field of economic and political sciences.
- Creating alignment between graduates and the needs of the labor market; In terms of number, quality, and competitiveness.
- Attention to quality specifications, whether for faculty members, curricula, buildings and classrooms, and the technical equipment and technical equipment.
- Organizing scientific conferences and seminars, panel discussions, and workshops; To share experiences, and find out about contemporary scientific developments.
College aspirations
- Expand and attract more students.
- Achieving excellence in the field of administrative sciences.
- Opening new specializations that suit the needs of society (such as management information systems, marketing, finance, and Islamic banks).
The most important justifications for the opening of the specialty
- Community requirements of labor market need.
- Achieving integration policy in various specialties.
- Achieving the students’ desire to pursue their educational achievement in specializations that suit their future aspirations.
Specialty goals
- Providing graduates with academic knowledge in the fields of accounting, its branches, management and its branches.
- Promote the student’s self-confidence that he is an effective member of society who contributes to the process of building and developing the community.
Areas of specialization
In the field of accounting: The graduate carries out business and financial matters such as accounting, auditing, inventory, cash flow statement, income and budgets list ….
Scientific departments in the college
There are currently two departments in the college: Business Administration and Accounting. And, Allah willing, we will, in the coming academic years, open new departments, including the Department of Management Information Systems and the Department of Islamic Banking as well as the Marketing Department.
Laboratories of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences
السنوات الدراسية وأعداد الطلاب في الكلية
السنة الدراسية | المجموع | |
السنة الاولى | 269 | |
السنة الثانية | 169 | |
السنة الثالثة | محاسبة | 15 |
إدارة | 51 | |
السنة الرابعة | محاسبة | 28 |
إدارة | 28 |
الوسائل والأدوات المستخدمة
سيتم تزويد الطلبة بالمعرفة النظرية والعملية من خلال ما يلي:
- المحاضرات النظرية.
- حلقات البحث العملية.
- مخابر الحاسوب.
- الندوات والمؤتمرات في مجال المحاسبة والإدارة.