Home/الأخبار/فعاليات طلابية/مركز المفاضلة في كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية بجامعة إدلب يستقبل الطلاب الحائزين على الشهادة الثانوية أخبار عامةالأخبارالكليات والمعاهدخبر عاجلفعاليات طلابيةمعلومات هامة توضيحية مركز المفاضلة في كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية بجامعة إدلب يستقبل الطلاب الحائزين على الشهادة الثانوية 14 September، 20210 324 Less than a minute 14 September، 20210 324 Less than a minute Facebook X WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print
Home/Breaking news/The Center for Excellence in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Idlib University receives students who have obtained a secondary certificate Breaking newsFaculties and institutesGeneral newsImportant illustrative informationStudent activitiesUncategorized The Center for Excellence in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Idlib University receives students who have obtained a secondary certificate 14 September، 20210 285 Less than a minute 14 September، 20210 285 Less than a minute Facebook X WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print
Home/Öğrenci servisi/Açıklayıcı önemli bilgiler/İdlib Üniversitesi Sanat ve Beşeri Bilimler Fakültesi’ndeki Farklılaşma Merkezi, lise diploması alan öğrencileri kabul ediyor Açıklayıcı önemli bilgilerFlaş HaberGenel HaberlerHaberlerKolejler ve enstitülerÖğrenci etkinlikleri İdlib Üniversitesi Sanat ve Beşeri Bilimler Fakültesi’ndeki Farklılaşma Merkezi, lise diploması alan öğrencileri kabul ediyor 14 September، 20210 281 Less than a minute 14 September، 20210 281 Less than a minute Facebook X WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print