Home/الأخبار/الكليات والمعاهد/برعاية جامعة إدلب، تعلن كلية الشريعة والحقوق عن إقامة مؤتمر علمي أخبار عامةالأخبارالإعلاناتالكليات والمعاهدخبر عاجل برعاية جامعة إدلب، تعلن كلية الشريعة والحقوق عن إقامة مؤتمر علمي بعنوان تقنين الأحكام الشرعية في القضاء - بين النظرية والتطبيق. 28 February، 20210 345 Less than a minute بارزة 28 February، 20210 345 Less than a minute Facebook X WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print
Home/Uncategorized/Ads/Under the auspices of Idlib University, the College of Sharia and Law announces the holding of a scientific conference AdsBreaking newsFaculties and institutesGeneral newsUncategorized Under the auspices of Idlib University, the College of Sharia and Law announces the holding of a scientific conference Codification of legal rulings in the judiciary - between theory and practice. 28 February، 20210 321 Less than a minute 28 February، 20210 321 Less than a minute Facebook X WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print
Home/Flaş Haber/İdlib Üniversitesi himayesinde Şeriat ve Hukuk Fakültesi, bilimsel bir konferans düzenleyeceğini duyurdu. Flaş HaberGenel HaberlerHaberlerKolejler ve enstitülerReklamlar İdlib Üniversitesi himayesinde Şeriat ve Hukuk Fakültesi, bilimsel bir konferans düzenleyeceğini duyurdu. Yargıda yasal kararların yasallaştırılması - teori ve pratik arasında. 28 February، 20210 323 Less than a minute 28 February، 20210 323 Less than a minute Facebook X WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print