Home/الأخبار/أخبار عامة/جانب من الامتحانات النظرية في كلية الهندسة الزراعية أخبار عامةالأخبارالأرشيفالكليات والمعاهدخبر عاجل جانب من الامتحانات النظرية في كلية الهندسة الزراعية 1 February، 20220 293 Less than a minute 1 February، 20220 293 Less than a minute Facebook X WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print
Home/Archives/Part of the theoretical exams in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering ArchivesBreaking newsFaculties and institutesGeneral newsUncategorized Part of the theoretical exams in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering 1 February، 20220 270 Less than a minute 1 February، 20220 270 Less than a minute Facebook X WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print
Home/Arşiv/Ziraat Fakültesinde teorik sınavların bir kısmı ArşivFlaş HaberGenel HaberlerHaberlerKolejler ve enstitüler Ziraat Fakültesinde teorik sınavların bir kısmı 1 February، 20220 268 Less than a minute 1 February، 20220 268 Less than a minute Facebook X WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print